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भूरा मर गया

ना जाने क्यूँ, आज सुबह हर रोज की तरह नही लग रही थी, वैसे तो सब कुछ था शायद , पर कुछ कमी सी लग रही थी.......!!! मैँ सोचने लगा, पर कुछ समझ नही आया, काफी देर बाद अचानक से कुछ ख्याल आया, मैँ तुरन्त उठा , और सीधा रसोई घर मेँ गया.......!!! और सच मे, कुछ बदला था, रोज की तरह आज वो मूँगफली के दाने खतम नही हुए थे, और ना ही कुतरे हुए बिस्कुटो के छोटे - छोटे टुकडे पडे हुए थे, बल्कि पूरे के पूरे बिस्कुट पडे हुए थे.....!!! मुझे लगा शायद वो कहीँ चला गया, मुझे दुख तो हुआ, पर उस छोटे से भूरे चूहे ने अपना घर बदला होगा, ऐसा सोच कर मैँ चुप हो गया.....!!! काफी देर तक मन मेँ आते हुए अजीब ख्यालो को मारकर मै उठा ही था, और ब्रश करने लगा, कि तभी, मुझे आवाज आयी मेरे छोटे से कुत्ते की.....!!!! मैँ अन्दर गया, देखा कि वो सिलिन्डर के पीछे खडी होकर भौक रही थी, मुझे देखते ही वो चुप हो गयी, अपने छोटे - छोटे पँजो से कुछ इशारा भी कर रही थी.....!!!  मैँ मानव भावना से ग्रस्त हुआ, किसी अनहोनी के होने के भय से गम्भीर हुआ, मैने मुँह धोये बिना ही उसक...

What is love ?

  What is love, but an emotion,   So strong and so pure,   That nurtured and shared with another,   All tests it will endure......   What is love, but a force,    To bring the mighty low,    With the strength to shame the mountains, And halt time’s ceaseless flow..... What is love, but a triumph, A glorious goal attained, The union of two souls, two hearts, A bond the angels have ordained...... What is love, but a champion, To cast the tyrant from his throne, And raise the flag of truth and peace, And fear of death o’erthrow..... What is love, but a beacon, To guide the wayward heart, A blazing light upon the shoals   That dash cherished dreams apart....... And what is love, but forever, Eternal and sincere, A flame that through wax and wane Will outlive life’s brief years...... So I’ll tell it on the mountaintops, In all places high and low, That love for you is my reason to be, ...

I think about you

When i am alone, i think about you, When i am at home, I think about you..... When i am with friends, I think about you, When i am in a rush, I think about you..... When i am busy and i get some time, I think about you, When i am totally free and i havr time n only time, I think about you.... When i am happy, I think about you, When i am in pain, I think about you.... When i wake up in the morning, I think about you, When go to bed in the night, I think about you... When i open my eyes, I think about you, When i close my eyes, I think abkout you.... Till when i am alive, I will never stop thinkin about you, When i will die, I swear my sweet angel, I will only think about you...

Because of you

Because of you, my world is now whole, Because of you, love lives in my soul......   Because of you, I have laughter in my eyes,    Because of you , I am no longer afraid of good-byes.......   You are my pillar, my stone of strength, With me through all seasons, and great times of length......   My love for you is pure,  boundless through space and time, it grows stronger everyday,  with the knowledge that you'll always be mine........  At the altar, I will joyously say 'I do', for I have it all now, and it's all because of you......                 


I've made a vow, to no one but you,   I pledge my love to forever be true....   I'll take care of you and treat you right,    I'll lay beside you all through the night....    I'll feed you and clothe you and keep you warm,    I'll hug you and kiss you and give shelter in the storm....    I'll help you and guide you and clear a path,   I'll protect you and shield you from an angry man's wrath....   I'll listen to your problems help you solve them too,    I'll make you a rainbow and let the sun shine through...   I'll take your side even if you're wrong, Just to prove our love is strong....   I'll plant you flowers and make them grow, They'll be a symbol of love that only we'll know.....    I'll whisper your name when no one is near,    So low that only you can hear.... You'll feel my love even if we're apart, You'll know that we are one in heart......    ...

My dear wife

For My Dear Wife, On This Usual Day; I Write You This Poem, In My Own Special Way. I Wanted To Tell You, In Words Of My Own; You're The Most Precious Person, That I've Ever Known. You're The Prettiest Girl, Than Any I've Seen; Your Body Is Flawless, So Slender And Lean. Your Eyes Have That Sparkle, That I Can't Live Without; One Day Without Them, And I'd Die There's No Doubt. And I Just Lose Control, When I Glance At Your Hair; Those Curls Are Just Stunning,   So Perfect And Rare. You're The Most Caring Person, That I've Ever Met;   There's No One Like You, And That I Can Bet. What Attracts Me The Most, Is Your Sweet And Kind Touch, You're A Gift Sent From Heaven,   And I Love You So Much. So Hold Me As Close, As You Possibly Can; 'Cause Now And Forever,   I Am Your Man.               

When you are sad

     When you are sad, I will dry your tears,   When you are scared, I will comfort your fears...... When you need love, my heart I will share.   When you are sick, for you I will care..... You will feel my love, when we are apart, Knowing that nothing will change my heart ..... When you are worried, I will give you hope,     When you are confused, I will help you cope.....     When you are lost, and can’t see the light, My love will be a beacon, shining ever so bright........ This is my vow, one that I pledge till the end, For you above all are my wife and best friend.....   These words I have written, speak of my love for you, From my lips these words spoken.... shall always ring true,   God has blessed me, and with your hand in mine, Both of our hearts, will forever intertwine.....     Into all lives, falls pain and sorrows, I promise together, w...

I love what you do...

You make me feel special, You make me feel new, You make me feel loving, With everything you do...... You hold me close when I am sad. You wipe the tears from my face, Every time we are together, It seems like the perfect place...... My eyes light up when you enter a room, I smile when we are together, No matter how bad things are, You always make them better.... I love the way you kiss me, The way you hold me tight, I love the way you touch me, I could be with you all night..... I love the way you can make me laugh, For absolutely no reason at all, I love how no matter what I do, You will be there to catch me when I fall....... I just want you to know, That even though we sometimes fight, I will always love you, No matter what, day or night.....